
La cantinella


The restaurant is located on the site of the old Shaker Club, the temple of local night life during the years of the “dolce vita”, when musical celebrities such as Renato Carosone, Armandino and Peter Van Vood hosted long, wild and enjoyable nigts.

The Cantinella is so named for its vast assortment of wines, stored in a comfortable cellar considered in importance among the first ten in Italy.

The cuisine is internationally inspired: the usual traditional Parthenopean dishes are accompanied by more sophisticated ones

  •  Location

    Via Cuma  Angolo Nazario Sauro, 42


  •  Opening Hours

    Open daily

    Lunch:  12.30pm – 4.00 pm

    Dinner 7.30pm – 11.30pm

    Sunday just for lunch

  •  More information

    Reservation recommended.